Who We Are

Cobex Design accelerates projects by focusing on the simplicity of them and taking away the guess work. We not only think about the road to success, we pave the way to get there with the right organization, knowledge, tools, and experience. Our philosiphy revolves around getting your projects done correctly and enabling bussinesses like yours to move forward to take on more. We know that our work is relevent to not only our clients, but our client's, clients which adds true value to what we do. It is our passion to drive you forward and will be what keeps you coming back for more.


Years of Experience

Designing and Installing Fire Alarm and other Low-Voltage systems


Years of Business

Cobex Design was formed in 2012 and has been growing ever since.


Successful Projects

Projects that have been designed and/or installed.


Licenses & Certifications

Fire related licenses and certifications pertaining to multiple states, cities, and skills.

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